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Osteopathy in Tavira

Tratamento do ombro

The Specialty

"Find the injury, the treatment and leave it to Nature to act"

Dr. andrew Stil


American doctor Andrew Still identified the interrelationship between the musculoskeletal system and the rest of the body.


He argued that the good balance of bone structures (osteo means bone, in Greek) is essential to prevent the occurrence of dysfunctions and diseases (pathos means disease).

Osteopathy is, therefore, a therapeutic science based on the biomechanics of the organism and is based on the principle that the body functions as a unit composed of different moving parts, such as: muscles, joints, organs, viscera, blood and lymphatic circulation, breathing , etc.

What is Osteopathy?


Known as the "back pain therapist", the osteopath can treat much more than musculoskeletal pain.


Osteopathy is a therapy called "alternative". Osteopaths, after observing their posture, use a fine palpation to detect tensions or imbalances that cause pain or discomfort and then make manipulations to restore balance.


Osteopathy is a comprehensive therapy with its own modes of "diagnosis" and treatment.


For osteopathy, the body is made up of different parts that are interconnected. Thus, physical or psychological conditions can have resonances throughout the body.

Bad postures, history of trauma, stress, etc., do not disturb only one system (musculoskeletal, digestive, neurological, vascular, hormonal, etc.), but the whole body. To cure each problem, therefore, it is necessary to restore harmony in the musculoskeletal system and in each of the other systems.

This harmony is often translated by the terms mobility and motility, motility designating all the specific movements of an organ or system.


A healthy body would have excellent motility, not only in its joints, but in all tissues of the body: bones, muscles, nerves, ligaments, tendons, fascias, fluids, etc.

One of the distinguishing features of Osteopathy is also to take into account the entire structure of the body and all its movements, whether large and powerful or just fluctuations.

Find It, Fix It, and Leave it Alone.

Dr. Andrew Taylor Still


Fundamentals of Osteopathy


There are 3:


  1. The whole: the Human Body is a functional unit composed of different parts. The disease in one part of the body influences others. That is why the Osteopath sometimes manipulates areas far from his first pain.

  2. Structure governs function, that is, the various bodily functions interact with the structure of the musculoskeletal system.

  3. The third principle is more related to the preventive aspect of osteopathy: Homeostasis. The body has the ability to self-regulate and therefore will be able to recover a dynamic that avoids pain. "To be in good health is to get sick, to recover," said Canguilhem (19th century physician and philosopher). Associated with a good arterial vascularization avoiding any congestion, the body has all the cards to heal itself or at least to limit the affections.


The osteopath is not only interested in a painful symptom, but considers the patient as a whole to be evaluated as a whole.

We are a family owned and operated business.

Find out precisely the source of the tensions and blockages that restrict the mobility of the various tissues, so there is a long training to acquire a deep knowledge of the body structures (bones, joints, organs, viscera, muscles, etc.) by doing Integrative Medicine treatments, associating various therapies and / or techniques.

Through a great sense of observation, as well as an extreme delicacy of touch, the Osteopath is able to detect small blocks or particularly subtle movements.

Although the term Osteopathy, from the Greek prefix "osteo" which means "bone", may suggest that the osteopath is only interested in bones, this discipline also concerns muscles, viscera, among others.

A good Osteopath knows that with a light hand and a smooth movement, the desired result can be achieved.

“A light hand and a smooth movement”, plus a little time to allow the body to respond in the form of “tissue resilience”: what a beautiful definition of the “modus operandi” of our work in motility, in tissue Osteopathy.


For me, Osteopathy is an exceptionally sacred science. It is sacred because there is a healing power in all of Nature.

Dr. Robert E. Truhlar, D.O. (“Doutor ainda na vida”)

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Osteopathy is a philosophy, an art and a medical science, basing its therapeutic system on the physical, chemical and biological sciences, and supporting its treatment of all abnormal disorders of the body, natural laws and vital principles that govern Life.

Dr. Carter Harrison Downing, M.D., D.O.

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